A new partner/ friends before Christmas? 86 days to go

By Margaret, 23 September, 2013.
I know you probably don't really want to hear that it is only 86 days to Christmas. Has another year really gone so quickly? Can it really be so close to another Christmas?

Did you make a resolution at New Year that you would make some changes in your social life this year? Somehow work and other commitments always take a lot of our time. We have the best intentions to be proactive and take steps to go out and meet some new people whose company we enjoy....but didn't quite take the steps needed to do so.

The good news is that there is still enough time to meet some wonderful new people before Christmas at our A Table for Six dinners! And there will be lots of other singles with the same intention.

It's perfect timing to join our Spring dinners. You'll have a great time, meet singles and make new connections. You may just even meet the one you will introduce to your family and friends on Christmas day.


Margaret Newitt


1300 885 311