Her checklist... but not your bank balance
13 March, 2017.
Her checklist... but not your bank balance
It’s that exciting time at the beginning of a new relationship. Neither of you know what is going to happen. It’s full of giddy excitement, but you are both also unsure and full of questions.
Would you like to know some of the important things she is taking notice of about you to decide if you are a good guy?
Meet her at our dinners here
[caption id="attachment_2314" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Her check list...but not your bank balance[/caption]
How you treat your Mum
How you treat your Mum is an indication of how you will treat her if it becomes a long term relationship. Nobody wants a Mummy’s boy, but do you treat your Mum with respect and genuine concern? What is your general attitude to her and do you help her when she needs it? Your new date is thinking about these things and if she would want to be treated this way.
What are your friends like?
If your mates are sweet and supportive, she will be impressed. If they are mean to each other or mostly only share common interests like gambling, heavy drinking or strip clubs, it will most probably be a turn off.
Who stays in his life?
If you keep friends in your life for many years, you probably have wonderful qualities that these people want to be around. If you are constantly ditching your old friends for new ones, then she may decide that you could have some toxic elements in your life.
Do you fight fair?
When you are in the intoxicating early part of your relationship, you most likely won’t have had a fight yet. But, you are sure to have one before too long. The best couples in the world fight…it’s healthy. The difference is how you fight. If you are nasty during a fight, use name calling, become aggressive and scary, she will be considering if you are who she is looking for. A good guy can disagree without disrespecting.
How she feels
She is going to be thinking about how you make her feel. Do you make her feel special and important? Are you considerate and thoughtful? Of course, a little bit of excitement and unpredictability is well received too.
Do you come across as rock solid and someone she could rely on? She will think you are spectacular if you inspire her to be a better person and bring out the best in her.
Meet her at our dinners here
Margaret Newitt
1300 885 311
Lic no 3338670
It’s that exciting time at the beginning of a new relationship. Neither of you know what is going to happen. It’s full of giddy excitement, but you are both also unsure and full of questions.
Would you like to know some of the important things she is taking notice of about you to decide if you are a good guy?
Meet her at our dinners here
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How you treat your Mum
How you treat your Mum is an indication of how you will treat her if it becomes a long term relationship. Nobody wants a Mummy’s boy, but do you treat your Mum with respect and genuine concern? What is your general attitude to her and do you help her when she needs it? Your new date is thinking about these things and if she would want to be treated this way.
What are your friends like?
If your mates are sweet and supportive, she will be impressed. If they are mean to each other or mostly only share common interests like gambling, heavy drinking or strip clubs, it will most probably be a turn off.
Who stays in his life?
If you keep friends in your life for many years, you probably have wonderful qualities that these people want to be around. If you are constantly ditching your old friends for new ones, then she may decide that you could have some toxic elements in your life.
Do you fight fair?
When you are in the intoxicating early part of your relationship, you most likely won’t have had a fight yet. But, you are sure to have one before too long. The best couples in the world fight…it’s healthy. The difference is how you fight. If you are nasty during a fight, use name calling, become aggressive and scary, she will be considering if you are who she is looking for. A good guy can disagree without disrespecting.
How she feels
She is going to be thinking about how you make her feel. Do you make her feel special and important? Are you considerate and thoughtful? Of course, a little bit of excitement and unpredictability is well received too.
Do you come across as rock solid and someone she could rely on? She will think you are spectacular if you inspire her to be a better person and bring out the best in her.
Meet her at our dinners here
Margaret Newitt

1300 885 311
Lic no 3338670
PUBLISHED IN: Men's new relationship strategies
TAGGED UNDER: singles dinners, A Table for Six, dating, meet single women, single women