Are you a go getter who creates a life they love?

22 May, 2017.
Are you a go getter who creates a life they love?
I had a question recently.
Question. Hi Margaret, I need a change in my life. I’m 43 and I think I’ve missed the boat. I feel insecure about getting out there and meeting people again after a long relationship. It just seems easier to give my attention to my work, and spend my time with my family and friends. Any advice?
In one of my favourite books “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, she asks “Do you know how old I will be by the time I learn to really play the piano/ act/ paint/ change my social life, meet lots of like-minded singles and a loving partner?” By the way, I added the last bit about changing your life and meeting a partner etc!
The answer. The answer to this question….The same age you will be if you don’t.
Feedback -I’d happily do it again. Here’s some feedback that came in last week from a gorgeous lady who attended her first dinner. (And she made a new friend already)
"Hi Margaret,
I had a lovely night on Saturday and found all the group good company and
very pleasant to talk to and we had plenty to talk about. I have to admit I
was very nervous and walked past the restaurant several times before I went
in. My fears were quickly laid to rest and I would happily do this again. I
give the dinner enjoyment 10/10.
The restaurant and meal was alright. We
weren’t hurried and were able to stay until quite late.
Thank you again for organising a great group of people."
Name withheld
If you believe it, you will see it. Don’t listen to the women who say “all the good men are taken” or the men who say “I can’t find any good women”. These are self-fulfilling beliefs. If you believe there is a shortage of good partners out there, that will be your experience. If you believe there are lots of interesting, classy, kind people for you to meet and choose from, your experience is going to be amazing!
This is your life and I’d love to help. Have you put off something else in your life and now you want to go back and tell your younger self to just do it? If so, I want to hear from you, so that you are congratulating yourself in twelve, six or three months time for being a go getter who creates a life they love. As Nike says “Just do it!”
Contact us at A Table for Six to take a step in the right direction to meet other singles looking for genuine friendships and genuine relationships.
Margaret Newitt
Mob: 0420 945 954
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I had a question recently.
Question. Hi Margaret, I need a change in my life. I’m 43 and I think I’ve missed the boat. I feel insecure about getting out there and meeting people again after a long relationship. It just seems easier to give my attention to my work, and spend my time with my family and friends. Any advice?
In one of my favourite books “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, she asks “Do you know how old I will be by the time I learn to really play the piano/ act/ paint/ change my social life, meet lots of like-minded singles and a loving partner?” By the way, I added the last bit about changing your life and meeting a partner etc!
The answer. The answer to this question….The same age you will be if you don’t.
Feedback -I’d happily do it again. Here’s some feedback that came in last week from a gorgeous lady who attended her first dinner. (And she made a new friend already)
"Hi Margaret,
I had a lovely night on Saturday and found all the group good company and
very pleasant to talk to and we had plenty to talk about. I have to admit I
was very nervous and walked past the restaurant several times before I went
in. My fears were quickly laid to rest and I would happily do this again. I
give the dinner enjoyment 10/10.
The restaurant and meal was alright. We
weren’t hurried and were able to stay until quite late.
Thank you again for organising a great group of people."
Name withheld
If you believe it, you will see it. Don’t listen to the women who say “all the good men are taken” or the men who say “I can’t find any good women”. These are self-fulfilling beliefs. If you believe there is a shortage of good partners out there, that will be your experience. If you believe there are lots of interesting, classy, kind people for you to meet and choose from, your experience is going to be amazing!
This is your life and I’d love to help. Have you put off something else in your life and now you want to go back and tell your younger self to just do it? If so, I want to hear from you, so that you are congratulating yourself in twelve, six or three months time for being a go getter who creates a life they love. As Nike says “Just do it!”
Contact us at A Table for Six to take a step in the right direction to meet other singles looking for genuine friendships and genuine relationships.
Margaret Newitt
Mob: 0420 945 954
Handy links
SUBSCRIBE to my weekly newsletter to get inspired about your dating and social life – click on VIP INSIDER UPDATES tab.
OUR FEES, our ONLY fees explained
Like to GET STARTED and supercharge your Social/Dating life?
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My direct line 0420 945 954
PUBLISHED IN: dating optimism
TAGGED UNDER: Singles, dating, singles dinners, A Table for Six, Relationships