Don’t look back and regret the love you didn't let in.
12 April, 2015.
If you have a belief that life should always be perfect, you will often be disappointed. When you realise that people and situations are rarely perfect, you can start to appreciate people and the situations in your life for what they are. It is our imperfections that make us interesting. We often warm to people when they share some of their weaknesses more than people who try to portray themselves as never making a mistake.

Mistakes help us to learn. Give yourself a break. Let go of the idea that you your life, your relationships, your health, your fitness need to be perfect. Think of your life as a journey filled with endless playful exploration. It is better to truly be yourself, living your life honestly, happily and less than perfectly. Let go of any expectations that society tries to put you on.
Give yourself a 2nd chance..or however many chances you need. We often don’t get things right the first time, with relationships or in any area of our life. Most of the time the only difference between winners and losers is that winners don’t quit. They make the decision to try again. Many of our A Table for Six members who have met their partner attended a number of dinners before meeting them.
Let go of the things you can’t control and don’t carry them around with you. Use any mistakes you think you have made as lessons in your journey. Every day you have a chance at a new beginning. Just because something didn’t go as you had planned, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth your while. You’ve learned about something that doesn’t work and now you can discover what does.
Don’t look back on your life and think I should have done that. Make the most of your time today and appreciate the opportunities you have. Don’t look back and regret the chances you never took and the love you didn't let in.
Are there some steps you have been putting off taking for your happiness? Life is a journey that’s only traveled once, so don’t waste it.
“I do not trust people who don’t love themselves and yet tell me, ‘I love you.’ There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.” ―Maya Angelou
PS. Did this story resonate with you? Or, got a question that you’d like to see me address in the future? Email me to share your question. Your questions or comment will be anonymous of course. :)
Give yourself a break this week
Margaret Newitt
1300 885 311
lic no 3338670

Mistakes help us to learn. Give yourself a break. Let go of the idea that you your life, your relationships, your health, your fitness need to be perfect. Think of your life as a journey filled with endless playful exploration. It is better to truly be yourself, living your life honestly, happily and less than perfectly. Let go of any expectations that society tries to put you on.
Give yourself a 2nd chance..or however many chances you need. We often don’t get things right the first time, with relationships or in any area of our life. Most of the time the only difference between winners and losers is that winners don’t quit. They make the decision to try again. Many of our A Table for Six members who have met their partner attended a number of dinners before meeting them.
Let go of the things you can’t control and don’t carry them around with you. Use any mistakes you think you have made as lessons in your journey. Every day you have a chance at a new beginning. Just because something didn’t go as you had planned, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth your while. You’ve learned about something that doesn’t work and now you can discover what does.
Don’t look back on your life and think I should have done that. Make the most of your time today and appreciate the opportunities you have. Don’t look back and regret the chances you never took and the love you didn't let in.
Are there some steps you have been putting off taking for your happiness? Life is a journey that’s only traveled once, so don’t waste it.
“I do not trust people who don’t love themselves and yet tell me, ‘I love you.’ There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.” ―Maya Angelou
PS. Did this story resonate with you? Or, got a question that you’d like to see me address in the future? Email me to share your question. Your questions or comment will be anonymous of course. :)
Give yourself a break this week
Margaret Newitt
1300 885 311
lic no 3338670
TAGGED UNDER: dating, A Table for Six, new relationships, finding love, happiness, Singles