Articles tagged Happiness

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Single and Stuck in a Rut? Add More Joy!

Are you single and feeling stuck in a rut?  We get that.  Winter can make it hard to find your spark!  We get that.  Winter can make it hard to find your spark!  A new book by Tali Sharot, “Look Again”, shares ways we can find more joy in life. Tips include investing in experiences, taking breaks, adding variety, changing our scenery, embracing more change, and allowing time to adjust. By using these strategies we can boost joy and happiness in our daily lives.

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New Years Resolutions for Dating in 2024

Our members meet wonderful new friends and fall in love at A Table for Six dinners every week. We've left 2023 behind.

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A Table for Six Reviews

A Table for Six Reviews I'm Margaret Newitt... Why should you give internet dating the flick and start meeting real people face to face?

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Would you like to meet someone who really gets you?

Do you ever feel as though you would like to meet someone who gets you? You know the feeling when you meet someone new and you really have the feeling that this person is listening and actually hearing what you are saying.

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Don’t forget to celebrate your dating progress.

Don’t forget to celebrate your dating progress. So often we have a big goal in mind. We know exactly what we want.

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Here's How To Change Up Your Dating Life this Year

I'm Margaret Newitt... Meet in person Small group dinners will have you meeting other like-minded singles in person. You will have the opportunity to meet them face to face and get to know them a little in the group situation.

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Relationships-The most important experience in our lives

Relationships-The most important experience in our lives Relationships are the most important experience in our lives. Without relationships, we are nothing.

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321-It's almost New Year

It's almost New Year. Are you are working on a list of resolutions for this year? You can make resolutions such as to quit smoking, to have more work life balance, to lose weight or to meet someone special.

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The future Of Dating

The future Of Dating In a world that is ever-changing, it's hard to predict what the future holds. But one things for certain: the way we date will continue to evolve.

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ONLINE DATING vs Meeting at our Dinners

ONLINE DATING vs Meeting at our Dinners. Meet the best singles at A Table for Six Would you enjoy having your dinners all organised for you?

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Single? Too Fabulous to Settle?

Single? Too Fabulous to Settle? Dating again after being in a long term relationship can feel like you've been thrown out into the ocean without a life raft.

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Ladies, This Is How We Differ To Men

Compared to men, women overthink everything. Being a woman myself, I realise we do this, but what I didn't realise is how different the genders are.

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Unleash Your Inner Romeo or Juliette

Create a Lasting Impression Be considerate Taking an interest in other people and their preferences and interests shows that you are not self-absorbed.

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Do men find it harder in today's dating world?

Do men find it harder in today's dating world? In an article in the New York post, men and women who use  online dating apps have some interesting things to report.

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A few tips to help you enjoy the journey of being single and enjoying your freedom.

Here's a few tips to help you enjoy the journey of being single and enjoying your freedom. Leave your baggage at home-We've all got some.

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3 Reasons Why Meeting Singles in Person in a Small Group is Better

3 Reasons Why Meeting Singles in Person in a Small Group is Better If you're like most singles professionals, you're probably wondering where to meet eligible singles.

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How important is a woman to a man?

How important is a woman to a man? Most of us don’t really have a very good understanding of why and how the other gender behave the way they do.

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A new partner/ friends before Valentine's Day? 44 days to go

I'm Margaret Newitt... Safety – ID You will be meeting in a public place with a group of people. Members have been qualified by supplying their ID.

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