Articles tagged Love

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5 Tips to Avoid Dating Scams

If you’re using dating apps it’s important to be aware of scams and stay safe when you’re dating.  Online dating scams are becoming more sophisticated in 2024.  They typically involve individuals who create fake profiles to trick unsuspecting victims. Read more for our tips to avoid being scammed when using dating apps.

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Renaissance of Real-Life Dating: A Shift from Apps to In-Person Connections

The landscape of dating has undergone a notable transformation post-pandemic. What was once dominated by the swipe-left, swipe-right culture of dating apps has now seen a resurgence of interest in real-life connections at singles events.  Singles are increasingly turning away from dating apps and sites, disillusioned by the pitfalls. They're embracing the charm of in-person encounters through dinner dating and speed dating events.

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Would you like to meet someone who really gets you?

Do you ever feel as though you would like to meet someone who gets you? You know the feeling when you meet someone new and you really have the feeling that this person is listening and actually hearing what you are saying.

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How Singles have the Best time at Christmas

How Singles have the Best time at Christmas If you notice that you are not really looking forward to the Christmas season, then something is trying to tell you to make a shift and reclaim this time of year.

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10 things that shouldn’t be repeated in relationships

10 things that shouldn’t be repeated in relationships We have all made mistakes in relationships. Sometimes our mistakes have a catastrophic effect on our lives.

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My #1 Most Important Ever Dating Tip

My #1 Most Important Ever Dating Tip Let me give you a tip about dating and friendship that I have learned through 17 years of helping thousands of singles.

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The art of love… is largely the art of persistence.

"Find a partner who calls you beautiful/handsome instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on them, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep… wait for the one who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of their friends, who thinks you’re just as pretty without makeup on.

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Dating worries?…not if you follow this simple plan

Dating worries? …not if you follow this simple plan You are setting out of your house on an evening out.

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Millions of people have happy relationships- why shouldn’t you?

Millions of people have happy relationships- why shouldn’t you? If you have been single for a while, perhaps you have registered on an online dating site.

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She is attracted to you when…

She is attracted to you when… You may be meeting her for the first time, or you could have been on a few dates already, but how do you know if she is into you?

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The Single Best Way to Meet Women – By Far

The Single Best Way to Meet Women – By Far Do you know that, as a man the numbers are in your favour at our “A Table for Six” dinners?

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Meet the best singles OFFLINE at A Table for Six

Meet the best singles OFFLINE at A Table for Six Online dating has been tried by 51% of Australians. Or so, some recent statistics I read claimed.

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How to stay positive until Mr/Ms Right comes along

“I’ve been single for a few years now. My friends have set me up a few times. I’ve tried dating all sorts of people.

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Ghosting in dating. Why not be kind?

Ghosting in dating. Why not be kind? For those of you, like me, who are not familiar with it, here is a definition Ghosting is stopping all communication after: You have organised a first date by setting the time and place, then you hear nothing again.

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5 secret things women look for at A Table for Six

5 secret things women look for at a Table for Six Would you like to know what women are really checking out about the men at our A Table for Six singles dinners?

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Going where the genuine, relationship ready women are

Are you going where the genuine, relationship ready women are? Get my weekly blog here Do you know that, as a man the numbers are in your favour at our “A Table for Six” dinners?

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Why wait till the New Year to meet a partner?

New Year is the traditional time for new resolutions. But sooner is always better when it comes to making changes for the better in your life.

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Important Relationship Questions

Important Relationship Questions Our significant other, our parents or our children may spring to mind. These relationships are significant, but there is one other relationship that is with us all of our lives.

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